Scenes of a Graphic Nature

Scenes of a Graphic Nature

Scenes of a Graphic Nature is a clever, perceptive, well written and very readable novel about Ireland, history, lies and stories.

Scenes of a Graphic Nature is a moving, intelligent, perceptive and well written novel. As an Irish woman who has lived outside Ireland for almost all my life, I connected with Charlie’s mixed feelings about her ‘home’ country, that sense of being both Irish and not. Of feeling that you understand, and are understood, while also being totally ‘other’. Never knowing if you can relax and enjoy it or if you’re being sucked in by the shenanigans put on for the tourists.

It’s also a very good novel about the messiness and ups and downs of old friendships, how people can disappoint you and surprise you, be there for you and let you down, irritate the hell out of you then connect with you in a way no-one else can.

It’s also about truth, lies, cover stories and hiding from the past. About unreliable narrators, conspiracy and filthy liars.

And it’s a good story. Plenty of mystery and intrigue and a satisfying conclusion. There’s also the start (at least) of a love story.

All in all, a very good read from an author I’ll be looking out for in the future.

I highly recommend this for anyone looking for a novel that’s thoughtful and a bit different, but still extremely readable.

My thanks to Netgalley for giving me a free copy of this book. All my reviews are 100% honest and unbiased, regardless of how I acquire the book.

Scenes of a Graphic Nature is available from all major booksellers.

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